“Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds again a past of his that he did not know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.” Italo Calvino
jazzi [def.] "the temporary resting places that sheltered grazing animals, and were points that connected villages, sheep tracks and mountain pastures. They are buildings with a rectangular layout, dry stone walls and a sloping roof. [...] These jazzi, which are unused or dilapidated today, can be found over a large area on Mount Bulgheria, and are central to a widespread network of paths." (www.jazzi.it)
At the border between mountains, sky and sea, in wilderness, but also cultivation, the traveler seeks to understand. In an extended hotel in time, where lodging is the path, the room is the experience and the space is a mechanism that generates reflection, dialogues and connections. The jazzi and the nature that surrounds them have a magical set that stimulates curiosity and awakens the asleep wonders.
The park is a gallery where you live and live art and nature that is the Archi work. Unconventional spaces of jazzi and new ways to share a journey, the path through experiences, events and installations confront the nature and perception of the same, the tradition, history and modernity, comers and local residents, the self and the indefinite, eternal and omnipresent.
A self-sustaining living organism, both ecologically and economically the project proposes a Hotel Extended over time along four jazzi, hosting travelers in a new location, changing their way of perceiving nature and art through experiences and shared space.
“Participant of the CGTrader Digital Art Competition”

The route begins from the holy place towards the Jazzo Murici. The installations of Land Art suggest reflections on earth, fertility and life. The jazzo Murici is situated among olive groves created by the monks who guarded the secret of olive oil. The traveler discovers a mass sculpted without boundary, the ground penetrating the existing structure, creating an inner landscape. The raw material expresses the nature of life itself - ephemeral, fragile and in constant metamorphosis. These have defined a living area and bedrooms, where the floor is the ground itself. The curves are natural and mobile travelers inhabit the earth. Public space and suited to collect up to 35 people. The jazzo can accommodate 15 people in separate rooms. In an outdoor area, between what used to be the fences for the stock, travellers can sleep outdoors among the old trees.
The route begins from the holy place towards the Jazzo Murici. The installations of Land Art suggest reflections on earth, fertility and life. The jazzo Murici is situated among olive groves created by the monks who guarded the secret of olive oil. The traveler discovers a mass sculpted without boundary, the ground penetrating the existing structure, creating an inner landscape. The raw material expresses the nature of life itself - ephemeral, fragile and in constant metamorphosis. These have defined a living area and bedrooms, where the floor is the ground itself. The curves are natural and mobile travelers inhabit the earth. Public space and suited to collect up to 35 people. The jazzo can accommodate 15 people in separate rooms. In an outdoor area, between what used to be the fences for the stock, travellers can sleep outdoors among the old trees.

The traveler departs for jazzo Cropana. He or she leaves the protection of the olive trees. Outdoor they encounter natural phenomena. The art installations interpret the sun, shadows, clouds, rain, wind, storm. The regeneration of the building amplifies weather conditions through architecture using visual and environmental stimuli. A symphony created by the wind and rain plays from the balustrades and the roof, which have been re-created as instruments of the weather. Visually, the intervention tries to blend into the landscape, reflecting changes in color and light throughout the day. With its central location and dominance in size, the jazzo of Cropana serves as the heart of the elongated hotel and hosts 20 overnight guests and up to 120 visitors.

Approaching the jazzo of Cupi Valleys to watch the sunset and the onset of the nigh, followed by the stars. The traveler's attention shifts from the 'here and now', the vastness of space around him, towards infinity, reflecting on the essence of human nature, his or her place on Earth and in the universe. The jazzo creates an intimate connection between travelers, emphasizing their togetherness in existence. The roof and the walls of the jazzo are recovered with perforated surfaces which creates a cosmic ambience in the interior too. The collapsed portion is extended to the ground: a terrace for stargazing. The path to the jazzo is illuminated by phosphorescent particles during the night, allowing the star-gazers to wander in the dark, lost and found.

The trail brings the traveler to the top of the mountain, where solitude and isolation prevail. Approaching the jazzo they hear music that guides them. In a terraced amphitheater of gardens the jazzo Piano sings. The space recalls the monks who walked the same paths. Time slows down and causes a retreat within oneself. The building has a modest living space and 7 small cells that host only one table-bed, a chair and books. Sun rays enter between the glass tiles that embrace the gaps of time in the walls. Insulation. On the terraces the traveler can meditate and work the land, contemplating the plants, the water stream and waterfall. The acoustics of the small valley amplifies the classical and experimental music concerts taking place there.

The path to the summit concludes the journey. From the traveler opens, landscape, looking at the world with a new perspective. He has began his journey from the embrace of the earth, attended the performance of the weather and the infinity of space and arrived at top of the mountain to look inside in the depth of his essence.